Layer Type: esriNAServerClosestFacilityLayer
Impedance: Road_Only
Accumulate Attribute Names: Length
Attribute Parameter Values:
Snap Tolerance: 0
Max Snap Tolerance: 20000
Snap Tolerance Units: esriMeters
Ignore Invalid Locations: true
Restrict U-Turns: esriNFSBAtDeadEndsOnly
Output Spatial Reference: 102100
Default Cutoff Value: N/A
Facility Count: 1
Travel Direction: esriNATravelDirectionToFacility
Output Line Type: esriNAOutputLineTrueShape
Directions Language:
Directions Supported Languages: ar, bg, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, fi, fr, he, hr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, lt, lv, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW
Direction Style Names: NA Desktop, NA Navigation, NA Campus
Directions Length Units: esriNAUMiles
Directions Time Attribute Name: Road_Only
Supports Directions: true
TimeOfDay: null
TimeOfDay Usage: esriNATimeOfDayUseAsStartTime
Is TimeOfDay in UTC: false
Output Geometry Precision:
Output Geometry Precision Units:
Travel Mode: HasZ: false
HasM: true
Network Analysis Classes :
Class Name: Facilities
Field Name: Shape
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Name, Address, Label, Location, Facility, Origin, Destination, WayPoint, Description, Title, DepotName
Field Name: SourceID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceID, SID, Source
Field Name: SourceOID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceOID, SOID
Field Name: PosAlong
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: PosAlong, PA, Pos
Field Name: SideOfEdge
Default Value: 2
Candidate Fields: SideOfEdge, SOE
Field Name: CurbApproach
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: CurbApproach, SideOfStreet, SideApproach, CurbSide, Curb
Field Name: Status
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Rail_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Length
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: Attr_Length, Length, SegLen, SegLength
Field Name: Cutoff_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Rail_Only
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Road_Only
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Length
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Cutoff_Length, Cut_Length
Class Name: Incidents
Field Name: Shape
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Name, Address, Label, Location, Incident, Origin, Destination, Description, Title, DepotName
Field Name: TargetFacilityCount
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: MaxFacilities, FacilityCount, TargetFacilityCount, MaxFacilityCount, FacilityCutoff
Field Name: SourceID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceID, SID, Source
Field Name: SourceOID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceOID, SOID
Field Name: PosAlong
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: PosAlong, PA, Pos
Field Name: SideOfEdge
Default Value: 2
Candidate Fields: SideOfEdge, SOE
Field Name: CurbApproach
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: CurbApproach, SideOfStreet, SideApproach, CurbSide, Curb
Field Name: Status
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Rail_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Length
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: Attr_Length, Length, SegLen, SegLength
Field Name: Cutoff_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Rail_Only
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Road_Only
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Cutoff_Length
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Cutoff_Length, Cut_Length
Class Name: Barriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Name, Address, Label, Location, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: SourceID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceID, SID, Source
Field Name: SourceOID
Default Value: -1
Candidate Fields: SourceOID, SOID
Field Name: PosAlong
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: PosAlong, PA, Pos
Field Name: SideOfEdge
Default Value: 2
Candidate Fields: SideOfEdge, SOE
Field Name: CurbApproach
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: CurbApproach, SideOfStreet, SideApproach, CurbSide, Curb
Field Name: Status
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: FullEdge
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: FullEdge, IsFullEdge, BlockEntire
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Rail_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_Only
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Length
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: Attr_Length, Length, SegLen, SegLength
Class Name: PolylineBarriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Name, Label, Locations, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: Locations
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Locations, LocRanges
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Rail_Only
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_Only
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Length
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields: Attr_Length, Length, SegLen, SegLength
Class Name: PolygonBarriers
Field Name: Shape
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Name
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Name, Label, Locations, Barrier, Description, Title
Field Name: Locations
Default Value: null
Candidate Fields: Locations, LocRanges
Field Name: BarrierType
Default Value: 0
Candidate Fields: BarrierType, BarType, BarrierTyp
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Rail_Only
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_and_Rail
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Road_Only
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields:
Field Name: Attr_Length
Default Value: 1
Candidate Fields: Attr_Length, Length, SegLen, SegLength
Network Dataset: FDS_Net
- Build Time: 1684454628000
- State: esriNDSBuilt
- Network Attributes:
- Forestry_All_Roads
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUSeconds
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Forestry_All_Roads_Rail
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUSeconds
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Rail_Only
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUSeconds
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Road_and_Rail
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUSeconds
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Road_Only
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUSeconds
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Length
Usage Type: esriNAUTCost
Units: esriNAUMeters
Data Type: esriNADTDouble
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- DrivingSide
Usage Type: esriNAUTDescriptor
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTInteger
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Hierarchy
Usage Type: esriNAUTHierarchy
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTInteger
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- RoadClass
Usage Type: esriNAUTDescriptor
Units: esriNAUUnknown
Data Type: esriNADTInteger
Restriction Usage ParameterName: null
Parameter Names:
- Network Sources:
- Ferry
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 1
- Railway
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 2
- RoadFerryLink
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 3
- RoadRailLink
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 4
- Road
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 5
- Forestry
Element Type: esriNETEdge
Source Type: esriNSTEdgeFeature
ID: 6
- FDS_Net_Junctions
Element Type: esriNETJunction
Source Type: esriNSTSystemJunction
ID: 7
Supports Preserving ObjectID: true
Supported Travel Modes:
Name: Road and Rail
ItemID: 1
Name: Road Only
ItemID: 2
Name: Rail Only
ItemID: 3
Name: Forestry and All Roads
ItemID: 4
Name: Forestry Road and Rail
ItemID: 5
Supported Operations:
Solve Closest Facility
Retrieve Travel Modes